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Thoughts_women in marriage

Women are not trustworthy. Even though believing in anyone is to some extend putting yourself at risk, believing in women is more dangerous or hurtful because they are much easier to change their standpoint, swayed by the changing environment or more keenly to protect, maximize their interests, or to put it in other way, less loyalty. Or they are more likely to be deemed so by the opposite sex.

She can compromise herself to him in exchange for her interest. Everyone would do so, I confess, but her betrayal is more disgusting. I could hardly imagine how she could make up that face to him before when I hear her totally opposite comments on him while she was with another “interest-guarantee” man. Was she sad before because now she has the power or courage to stand up against him, even though such power or courage derives from another man whom she would also discard? She must be sad when the back-up man left without her so that she has to make up the flower-blossom smile and iron-melting voice?

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