Essence of happy marriage:
Foundation: one party should accept the true and fair the other party unconditionally, no matter the personality, the background, the family, the way of thinking, the outlooking, the way of speaking, etc.
Thus I tend to reject the view that either party should make a fundamental change in order to adopt the other one. The reason is that I believe people are brown evil and hiding such evil cannot last indefinitely. But one could stay in a condition, which is his/her true and fair state, that the evil strikes a balance with goodness.
And there is no such thing that one could sacrifice unconditionally to another one without obtaining something back. I do think it is possible that for once, or a short period of time, one could make a change in return for something back such as a kiss, one night and a ‘yes I do’. But marriage seems not to be a short time journey. It is a life-long commitment that neither party should disobey.
Those who make such commitment recklessly on the basis that once the marriage perishes, divorce is the option are not within the realm of discussion here. In fact to my way of thinking, in those people’s eyes marriage might be a prolonged ONS.
Based on above, it is easy to imagine what would happen if the changed party feels tired or did not receive what he/she intended to receive and choose to return to the previous true and fair him/herself. If the other party cannot accept the real his/herself, at least the marriage is not happy or even goes to divorce.
ただ故郷の電話番号がミスした 姉ちゃんかなと思った 少し迷った 電話出た 違った
「ごめんね ずっと苦しいんでしょう もしもその時君に伝えたなら 私たち今一緒に幸せにいるはずだね 今まで一人で辛く生いてるのは これから子供のように泣いちゃうのはダメよ もう姉ちゃんがいなくて 大人になりなきゃ でも本当にごめんね 私を許して」
相亲在不告诉上一个结果的情况下相下一个 就很高尚吗
别在我身上浪费时间了 去追别人吧 ho 原来你也没有那么喜欢我 不理我之后立马去追了别人
from annual dinner. Tonight I wear that if there is an another time that I show mercy on her I will be damned. Did you see them arm in arm? Did you hear that the bond is more tight between her and him? You idiot. What you've done has been in vain. But that's ok as long as you don't be stupid again. Screw her!
想想来这是为了什么 不要被工作迷惑 technical 管理
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